Core Language Module with datatypes, memory tracker, and _more_.About
This library provides Core Functionality built upon the C language. Inspired and taken from Modern Languages such as Python, Rust etc.
- Memory Management. Minimal Memory Tracker for logging memory, Autofree that can act as a build-in deconstructor.
- Type & Data Structures. Clean Systematic Data types and Structures with feature-full fuctionality.
- Meta-Programming. An absolute abuse of C-preprocessor.
- Multi-Threading. A more elegant way to handle concurrency.
- Standard Functions. Did you wanted stuff like logging, better File IO, Generic Printing, Error Handling similar to try catch. Yes we got those.
Memory Tracker
A simple memory wrapper for debug purpose.
- A wrapper around malloc, calloc, realloc, free. z__MALLOC, z__CALLOC, z__REALLOC, z__FREE.
- Logging memory allocation and de-allocation that can output in any file-stream including stdout.
- Evaluation of Total allocation and free, helps to combat memory leaks and such
Types (types)
Types to allow more stable/systamatic programming procedure with type-safe generic Data-types and Data-Structures, say no more to “Implement this basic functionaity 10 different ways in 10 different programs”. Whilst some types are compatible with other libraries too!
Vectors and Matrix in particular are totally compatible with the cglm library.
- Primitive Types
- Type System & Typesets
- Algebraic Data Type
- String
- String List
- String List Array
- Arrays
- Vector Types
- Matrices
- Linked List
Pre-Processing (PreP)
Meta-programming using C-preprocessor. Source Code
Multi Threading (Proc)
Multi-Threading wrapper arrund both OpenMP and Pthread with C11 <threads.h>
considered for the future.
The Development has started with OpenMP.
Pthreads impletation has also started with its base.
Benchmark Report of the performance achieved with OpenMP, Pthread compared to its single threaded counter-part is in the works.
Currently I’m using Macbook Air 2012-mid with 4 Threads for the benchmark.
- 2D 10000x10000 Terain Map Generation with Perlin Noise. 64% Faster. Source code
Standard Functions (IMPs)
Lastly z_
Also Provides Basic day-to-day set of functions revolving around Time, File IO, System, Logging and many more.
Getting Started
is made with modularity in mind so many parts of it are as self-isolated as they can,
it doesn’t even include standard library except stddef.h
, stdint.h
and stdbool.h
for type
declaration but they still require the bare minimum base
for to be working properly such
as, z_/types/arr.h
can be included in itself but it still require base.h
of types
for z__u32
and mem.h
for memory allocation definitions.
Therefore, You need to explicitly include the <stdlib.h>
, <string.h>
Method 1: Local Integration
Inorder to integrated z_
in your project only
git clone --depth=1 git://github.com/zakarouf/z_.git
sh build.sh lib
Will result a library libz_.a created in the ./build/lib
and headers at ./build/include
as z_
Copy the z_
folder onto your include
directory. And copy the libz_.a
to the lib
directory and link it against the executable and we are good to go.
#include <z_/z_.h>
Method 2: Global Installation
Run the build.sh
script, with the following parameters
sh build.sh install lib
By Default, the path for Headers is usr/local/include/z_
and for library it is libz_.a
, you can change it by editing the
file itself, LIB_DIR
to be specfic.
Inside the source directory config_{MODULE}.h
that can be modified by the user in-order to change the behaviour, include, exclude the fuctionality of that sub-library.
{MODULE} is the name of the Module i.e. config_imp.h, config_prep.h etc.
Such as inside of src/lib/_config_types.h
This particular config tells to include the Linked List type and its functionaity at core; when
is included, and if we comment out it
Will result in a error This forces to you to include linked list type manually.
#include <z_/types/llist.h>
Now this will work as it should.
Adding Syntax Highlighting (Vim & NeoVim)
Additional syntax Highlighting for types and such are include in the extra/c.vim.
To add it into your project, either copy the contents of the c.vim
file or put
into your after/syntax
folder, such as ~/.config/vim/after/syntax/
This will load on top of your syntax highlighting for every .c file.
Why did I create this library? || History behind z_.
had a humble beginning as a single header for defining primitive types in ztorg project.
Later on I added more quality of life stuff such as Type-Generic Dyanmic Arrays etc. It was then I decided to move its development to a separate repo with more than just a “Data Type Library”. I wanted to created a core, standard-library that I can just use anywhere as a starting point.
Os & Compiler Support?
Linux and MacOS is fully supported while, with Windows your mileage might vary.
As for Compiler GCC or Clang is recommended.
Why heavy use of macros?
Bloat. Creating such library that I can use anywhere, I wanted to have as less bloated binary wise as posible, while also having to combat the non-type generic nature of the C language.
If by any case, I dont want use a bare macro. I would wrap it up inside of a function.
#define my_macro_function(a, b) { ... }
void my_function(int a, int b)
my_macro_function(a, b);
Who is this for?
Me. Or you if you stumble upon my stuff and found it cool. But as of writing, I created this for myself. This repo is so I can easily maintain and access the code and or share it with my friends. I am not a good Programmer by a long shot, I just like when my computer goes beep-boop.
Credit & References
It takes many features from other libraries and projects. Whilst also some Reffrences and books.
Sum Types :: z__Enum
Hirrolot’s Datatype99. For my own implementation of Sum Types. The actual impletation is dis-similar to them. My implementation of z__Enum is no where near as elegant as Datatype99.
Awesome C Preprocessor Helped to study on the C’s magical Preprocessor.
Previews & Example

See Also
Ending Note
This library is not perfect and I know there are many others like it, but this one is mine <3.